• Mathias Jud
  • Vaia Doudaki
  • Hazal Yolga
  • nico carpentier
  • Community media, Community art production and Democratic knowledge
  • Helen Hahmann
  • Bart Cammaerts
  • Nicos Trimikliniotis
  • Participation, Active Citizenship and Community Media
  • Vuk Ćosić
  • Christoph Wachter

Venue for all seminars: NeMe Arts Centre • Corner of Ellados & Enoseos streets • 3041 Limassol, Cyprus.

13.01.2018, 18:30 -21:00
Participation, Active Citizenship and Community Media
Bart Cammaerts (BE) - Power and Pre-Figurative Politics within the Progressive Left
Nico Carpentier (BE/SE) - The Discursive-Material Knot, Participation and Community Media Theory
Vaia Doudaki (GR/SE) - Street Papers as Spaces of Participation and Inclusion
Hazal Yolga (CY) - Speaking the Unspoken: Challenging Hegemonic Discourses
Moderator: Yiannis Christidis (CY)
This seminar aims to discuss the needs, opportunities and challenges for increased levels of participation in all societal fields, and its implications and requirements for active citizenship and civil society. One particular field, the field of communication, will be gently highlighted during the seminar, without decontextualising communication and disconnecting it from the many other social fields and their specificities.

This video, presenting an introduction to the seminar by Yiannis Christidis is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/254010959. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.



This video, presenting a talk by Bart Cammaerts is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/254113716. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


This video, presenting a talk by Nico Carpentier is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/254097755. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.



This video, presenting a talk by Vaia Doudaki is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/253976236. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


This video, presenting Hazal Yolga is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/254080240. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


24.11.2017, 18.30-21.00
Community media, Community art production and Democratic knowledge
Vuk Ćosić (SI) - From Nettime via Syndicate to 7-11
Pascal Gielen (BE) - Community Art, A Neoliberal Solution for the Deconstruction of the Welfare State?
Helen Hahmann (DE) - Highjacking Radio Art. Artistic practice in Community Radio
Nicos Trimikliniotis (CY) - Beyond austerity citizenship and nationalistic communalism in Cypriot 'community media': social media, digitalities and emancipation – towards a mobile commons
Moderator: Nico Carpentier (BE/SE)
The artistic-democratic capacities of communities and their organisations are often underestimated and neglected, pushed aside by traditional top-down structures, and leadership, expertise and professional models. This seminar aims to critically explore the artistic-democratic capacities of communities and their organisations, identify problems, obstacles and restrictions, and look ahead at the conditions of possibility for the continued democratisation of the social and its many fields.

This video, is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/246571011. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.



This video, presenting a talk by Vuk Ćosić is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/246760804. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


This video, presenting a talk by Pascal Gielen is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/246788974. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.



This video, presenting a talk by Helen Hahmann is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/246815490. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


This video, presenting a talk by Nicos Trimikliniotis is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/246924312. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.


04.11.2017, 19:30-20:30
an archeology of silence in the digital age
Christoph Wachter (CH/DE) and Mathias Jud (CH/DE).
Moderator: Nico Carpentier (BE/SE)
Artists' talk focusing on the work of the artists and their research in/on Cyprus.

This video, presenting a talk by Christoph Wachter and Mathias Jud, introduced by Nico Carpentier, is hosted by Vimeo on vimeo.com/243806698. By viewing it here, you accept Vimeo's privacy policy for all Vimeo videos embedded in this website.
