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Respublika! is a one-week community media arts festival which will take place in Cyprus in 8-16 December 2017. The festival will be simultaneously translated into an exhibition, which will run from 8 December 2017 – 19 January 2018, and will feed a series of seminars.

The deadline for the first call for applications is 30 June 2017.

Respublika! calls for creative projects that relate to one of the following two objectives, which translate the principles of community media in creative practice:

  • to reflect on media, democracy and its participatory component, analysing the (de)centralisation of power in contemporary societies
  • to use participatory mechanisms to produce art projects, working with, and empowering members of one or more communities.

We invite applications for participation in the festival. Please check out our call for entries should you wish to submit a proposal.

Respublika! is a multi-sited and multi-genre community media arts festival which aims to tap into the creative reservoirs of community media and civil society organisations and their members; artists and collectives; and their community, social-oriented, cultural and artistic projects.

Respublika! will combine site-specific artworks and non-site-specific art projects. Place-specific art projects (or the so-called platform 1) are art projects whose location is highly significant to the art project itself, and which interrogate the spatial specificity of the location (as part of the festival’s remit). Examples are art projects related to performance art, artistic interventions, and site-specific visual and sound art. The non-site-specific art projects will be exhibited in platform 2, which is the main exhibition hub, the NeMe Arts Centre (NAC) in Limassol, Cyprus. Platform 1 projects will also be represented in the main exhibition hub, while the online hub (platform 3) will act as a facilitator to connect the first two platforms, while simultaneously documenting the entire festival and exhibition.